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Hotels Radar

4.4 ( 304 ratings )
Viajes Navegación
Desarrollador Ben Shahbazi

Instantly find the best rates for over 450,000 hotels worldwide. Install the HotelsCombined app to compare prices from hundreds of travel sites and apps (Expedia,, Getaroom etc.) in just one search.

With Hotel Radar, there’s no need to spend hours searching and comparing hotel prices on many different sites and apps.

We instantly compare hotel deals from hundreds of the top travel sites - including Expedia, HotelClub,,,,, Get a Room, and many more.

Use our FREE app to:
•Quickly and easily find hotels all over the world with just one, simple search.
•Find hotels near your current location, at any time.
•Read descriptions, maps, images and guest reviews.
•Easily organise and sort your search results according to price, popularity, location and proximity filters.
•View hotel rates in the currency of your choice.
Reasons customers like us:
•We’re 100% ad free. No annoying clutter.
•No account registration. Simply download and start searching.
•Clear, easy-to-use interface.
•High definition graphics.
•Option to book by phone if you prefer (with supported hotels).